Are You A Young Person?

Being a young person can be exciting and fun, but there may also be times when you feel worried or are struggling. The Newcastle Safeguarding Children Partnership wants to be able to provide some advice, information about local services which can provide support and links to national organisations providing a range of information we believe will be helpful.

What is Safeguarding

Every child and young person has a right to be safe. Safeguarding means keeping you safe from abuse. Child abuse is any action by another person- adult or child- that causes significant harm to a child.  It can be physical, sexual or emotional, but can just as often be about a lack of love, care and attention.

Neglect is when a parent (or carer) does not give a child or young person what they need to grow up healthy and happily. It is where a child is not being looked after properly, for example. A child may be left hungry or dirty, without proper clothes, shelter, supervision, and are not taken to the doctor when they need to be. A neglected child does not get the attention from their parents to help them do well in school, and help them grow up emotionally and socially. A neglected child may be put in danger or not protected from harm because the parents don’t try to protect them. Neglected children do not get the love, care and attention they need from their parents.

Domestic abuse can involve one adult in a family or relationship threatening, bullies or hurting another adult, for example physically (punching, kicking, cutting, etc.), through shouting and saying mean things, sexually (inappropriately touching them, forcing them to have sex, etc)  or by stopping another adult have access to money. Abusive behaviour can happen in any relationship. It can continue even after the relationship has ended. Both men and women can be abused or abusers. Young people can be abused by there girlfriends or boyfriends. Having parents who abuse each other can be an awful experience for children and young people. You can talk about this experience by ringing Childline on 0800 1111.

If you do think you or your friend is experiencing one of these issues please talk to a trusted adult or contact one of the numbers below.

In an emergency always ring 999.

If you are worried about anything, be it physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, or any other problem you are facing including mental health, ring Childline on 0800 1111. You can ring them about yourself, or a friend.

116 000 is the number to call or text for advice, support and options if you, or someone you love, goes missing or runs away. You can also talk to them about Exploitation. Not sure what Exploitation is? Click here to find out. You can also email

Contact the police on 101 to report a crime or a problem you might be experiencing related to gangs, trafficking or exploitation.

If you are worried about something that is happening to you or someone you know, you do not have to deal with it on your own – speak to an adult you trust such as your parent, other relation, teacher, friend or visit the Childline website for advice   

Local Services for Young People

Useful Websites:

Referrals to Children’s Services

Following feedback from partners Children’s Services have updated the…

Read More about Referrals to Children’s Services

Multi-Agency Neglect Tool-kit

The Newcastle Safeguarding Children Partnership has produced a multi-agency…

Read More about Multi-Agency Neglect Tool-kit

Cautioning and Relationship Abuse: Free Session

There is a special lunch and learn session with…

Read More about Cautioning and Relationship Abuse: Free Session