About the Partnership

The Newcastle Safeguarding Partnership is responsible for coordinating and ensuring the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements across Newcastle

Newcastle Promise Board

The Newcastle Promise Board have published a summary guide providing an overview of their purpose, outcomes, and priorities. Click on the image to download a copy.

Celebrating Good Practice in Newcastle

Information on Developing Safeguarding Policies and Procedures

Organisations need to have safeguarding policies and procedures in place. They are a key part of ensuring that people are clear about what safeguarding is and what should be done if there is a concern a child or adult is at risk or has been harmed. Whilst the NSCP are unable to advise on, or approve, an organisation’s safeguarding policies and procedures, the following content provides some helpful tips and resources. 

Development Day: Safeguarding in Education

Development Day: Risk Outside The Home

On the 9th of March 2023 the NSCP hosted a Development Day focused on Risk Outside The Home (ROTH). We had presentations from a range of local partners highlighting some innovative work to help keep our young people safe in the community. Please access the dedicated page for more information, including access to presentations, recordings and other useful information.

Key Documents:

For details of the NSCP Subgroups more information can be accessed here:

Below are key documents relating to the Newcastle Safeguarding Children’s Partnership and multi-agency Safeguarding.

E-Cigarettes and Vaping

What does the law say?While it is not illegal…

Read More about E-Cigarettes and Vaping

Probation Update Reset

Probation Reset Update  In May 2024 a Written Ministerial…

Read More about Probation Update Reset
Cartoon images of people with rucksacks and bags.

Responding safely to migrant survivors of violence and abuse

Migrant survivors have rights and entitlements, despite what their…

Read More about Responding safely to migrant survivors of violence and abuse