NSCP and Safeguarding Sub-Groups

Newcastle Safeguarding Children Partnership

The purpose of the Newcastle Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) is to support the three Safeguarding Partners to fulfil their responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people in Newcastle, and for ensuring the effectiveness of local multi-agency safeguarding arrangements.

The NSCP is the key mechanism for driving change. It will bring relevant agencies together at both a strategic and operational level to: deliver a focused, co-ordinated response; innovate system change; deliver efficiencies; and support effective multi-agency practice.

Newcastle Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements for Children and Young People

Core Documents


Case Review Group (CRG)

The Case Review Group is responsible for:

  • Considering cases to establish whether the criteria for a Child Safeguarding Practice Review (LCSPRs) are met
  • Commissioning of LCSPRs and overseeing the process and quality assurance
  • To maintain an overview of all out of area LCSPRs where Newcastle partners have been asked to provide information
  • Undertake learning reviews on cases that do not meet the criterial for a LCSPR
  • Consider learning from local and national reviews and the Child Death Overview Panel
  • Ensure learning from all case reviews is widely disseminated and embedded within policy, procedure, training and practice
  • Contribute to other reviews as required e.g. Youth Justice Board learning reviews, safeguarding adults’ reviews, domestic homicide reviews, drug related death reviews

Newcastle Education Safeguarding Partnership (NESP)

Working Together (2018) recognises that schools, colleges and other educational providers have a pivotal role to play in safeguarding children and promoting their welfare. Co-operation and buy-in to the new arrangements are vital for success. Once designated as a relevant agency, schools and colleges, and other educational providers, in the same way as other relevant agencies, are under a statutory duty to co-operate with the published arrangements

Newcastle Education Safeguarding Partnership provides the mechanism for the Safeguarding Partners to fulfil the requirements of Working Together (2018) and enables representatives from all schools, colleges and other education providers in Newcastle, to engage with the work of the Safeguarding Partners by:

  • Helping to shape procedure and guidance
  • Feeding back to the Safeguarding Partners on implications of decisions and practice relating to safeguarding in schools
  • Feeding back on areas of safeguarding activity identified and undertaken by the partnership
  • Identifying strengths and gaps
  • Reviewing impact of policy and practice
  • Providing an opportunity for schools to identify and share best safeguarding practice
  • Contribute to inspections on issues related to education as and when required
  • Ensure that all schools are represented within the wider partnership Improving practice across all Newcastle schools
  • Consider issues raised by the Safeguarding Partners

Learning & Improvement Group (LIG)

The Learning and Improvement Group is responsible for:

  • Developing and reviewing policies and procedures for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in Newcastle upon Tyne
  • Working with regional partners and Tri.x to develop a bi-annua procedure update plan.
  • Considering the implications for training and procedure from new policy, legislation, research, Local and National Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews
  • Identify multi-agency training and learning priorities for safeguarding children
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of training and learning outcomes on practice
  • Overseeing the work of the Trainers Group
  • Co-ordinating themed multi-agency audits to be undertaken by a multi-agency audit group
  • Co-ordinating a partner’s ‘practice week’
  • Providing advice, support and guidance to other agencies on the effectiveness of their safeguarding arrangements
  • Undertaking analysis of local performance information and identify areas for further enquiry
  • Co-ordinate bi-ennial safeguarding audits (S11/S175)
  • Set up task and finish groups as required to undertake specific pieces of work

Missing, Sexually Exploited and Trafficked Group (M-SET)

The joint Missing, Slavery, Exploitation and Trafficking Group will be known as the M-SET Group and is a sub group of the Newcastle Safeguarding Children Partnership and the Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board. Its purpose is to:

  • Implement and monitor the joint multi-agency sexual exploitation strategy and action plan
  • Improve outcomes for children and young people who go missing from home and education
  • Be assured that arrangements for issues such as human trafficking, criminal exploitation, sexual exploitation, modern slavery etc. are robust and effective
  • Ensure effective links with other strategic and service plans to prevent duplication
  • Ensure that recommendations and learning from new policy, legislation, research and guidance are acted upon
  • Influence and contribute to the commissioning of services for children, young people and adults
  • Develop and monitor performance management data
  • Develop and maintain links with other relevant partnerships tackling associated issues e.g. forced marriage, domestic abuse, trafficking; modern slavery
  • Contribute to regional collaboration and working

Task & Finish Group

Task and finish groups provide the opportunity to work on a specific area of work related to the strategic priorities or an area of activity where we already know that some improvement is required. Each group will develop clear aims and objectives and will formulate an action plan for improvement. Progress is monitored quarterly by the Safeguarding Partners through the NSCP and reported on by the group lead.
