Carers Risk Assessment Tool and Training

The majority of carers strive to act in the best interests of the person they care for and support. However, there are times, when those carers experience harm from the person to whom they are offering care and support or from the communities in which they live. Risk of harm to the person being cared for may also arise because of carer stress, tiredness, lack of information, skills or support or a combination of these factors.

Recognition of the risk of harm or harmful behaviours, either intentional or unintentional is critical to the prevention and protection of individuals. Risk of harm increases where the carer is isolated and not getting any practical and/or emotional support from family, friends, professionals or paid care workers

The Carers Risk Assessment Tool has been developed to help front line practitioners from all
services identify carers who are/may be at risk of harm from the person they care for, who are/may
be at risk of harming the person they care for, or both.

Fiona Richardson, Carers Lead, Newcastle City Council will be delivering a number of free training sessions (online) throughout 2023-24 to support people to use the Carers Risk Assessment Tool, with the first session being held on the 15th March 2023 at 2pm.

The hour long training session is suitable for anyone who might come into contact with unpaid carers and will be of particular benefit to those working in social care, housing, health, criminal justice or community/voluntary organisations or settings

The session, builds on learning from Appreciative Inquiries, Safeguarding Adults Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews, explores situations where the risk of harm to the carer or the person with care needs may increase and will support and enable staff to build confidence and take positive action in those situations.

Further information and resources

Support for Carers in Newcastle

If you care you can get recognition, emotional, practical, financial and emergency support from the City Council, health services and voluntary organisations, including those services specifically for carers. It is also important that professionals are aware of the services and support available so that these can be highlighted and offered to carers.

Information Now “Looking after someone” – all the information in one place about caring for someone in Newcastle with useful information for carers and professionals.

Carers assessments – As a carer, Newcastle City Council will always offer information and advice to support you in your caring role but recognise that this is not always enough to meet your needs. In this case a carers assessment from the council may help.

Newcastle Carers – help adults, children and young people with information, advice and support. They run various support groups for carers, offering a chance to take a needed break, meet people in similar situations who can understand and get helpful information.

Emergency Carers Card – The British Red Cross runs this service which offers emergency support for someone a carer suddenly finds that they cannot return or visit and help to draw up an emergency contact plan.

Props North East – offer a support service to people caring for a person with alcohol, drug or addiction problems.
