Joint Serious Case Review

The Joint Serious Case Review (JSRC) about sexual exploitation in Newcastle upon Tyne was published in February 2018. The Review highlighted the complex nature of sexual exploitation – the extreme and long-lasting impact it has on victims; that sexual exploitation can happen to adults as well as children; the difficulties in identifying and preventing exploitation; and the intense and lengthy support that is required to support victims.

The JSCR illustrated the calculated and persistent determination of perpetrators, over a long period of time, to exploit victims through horrific acts of abuse, violence and manipulation, targeting and grooming the most vulnerable with a dismissive disregard for the criminal justice system.

The Review found that agencies in Newcastle had been working together in response to sexual exploitation for a number of years. Since the publication of the review the Newcastle Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) and the Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board (NSAB) have continued to work together to implement each of the recommendations and in November 2019 the two partnerships met and agreed that the recommendations had been progressed in full.   

The learning from this Review has been embedded in Newcastle through enhanced service provision and the implementation of best practice approaches. It has also raised awareness and developed understanding of the nature and impact of sexual exploitation. This has impacted positively not only on identification and prevention, but also on how best to support victims and has led to exceptional victim led practice, recognised independently and nationally.

The NSCP and NSAB will continue to work together to ensure that the learning has a lasting and positive impact on the way in which agencies work together in Newcastle in response to sexual exploitation.

If you think that either yourself or someone that you know, is at risk of sexual exploitation then tell someone that you trust or report a safeguarding concern.

In an emergency always dial 999.

You can also find out more by watching the short video below or looking at the NSAB and NSCP JSCR Recommendations Interactive Toolkit.
