The Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board (NSAB) and Newcastle Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (NSCP) have recommissioned Me Learning to provide E-learning modules on a new and improved platform. We remain committed to the continuous learning and development of all staff and volunteers working with children, young people, adults and families in Newcastle. The current platform will no longer be accessible to staff, and communications will be sent out when the new platform is available. Staff will be able to access the following training here:
Safeguarding Children Level 1&2
Safeguarding Adults Level 1
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Mental Capacity Act (MCA)
Through this site you will be able to view, select and receive access to a range of e-learning opportunities. These courses remain free to all agencies who are providing services to residents within Newcastle. In accessing these courses for free you are committing to complete in 4 weeks. The training will be monitored regarding who is accessing them and once you have started you will receive automatic reminders prompting you to complete.
Staff who have previously completed modules will have their information migrated and will be sent an invite via e-mail to access the new platform.