NSAB Annual Report 2021-22 published

The Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report for 2021-22 is now published. The Annual Report highlights some of the key achievements of the NSAB, responses to new and emerging issues and future challenges ahead. The Annual Report includes reports from the NSAB’s sub-committees as well as partner agency contributions to safeguarding adults at risk.

There are a number of “spotlight” sections within the report, this year these focus on: financial abuse, homelessness and safeguarding adults in care homes.  

I would like to reiterate my thanks to all those who continue to make safeguarding adults happen in Newcastle – senior leaders, the NSAB and sub group members, front-line practitioners and volunteers – each and every one of you continue to prioritise safeguarding adults in your work. Your desire to ensure the safety and wellbeing of adults with care and support needs in Newcastle remains apparent. I commend this Annual Report to you and encourage you to share it within your organisations and networks.

Vida Morris, NSAB Independent Chair

You can read and download the annual report here: NSAB Annual Report 2021-22
