NSAB Strategic Annual Plan 2021-22 agreed

At the Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board (NSAB) meeting held on 19 May 2021, members agreed the Strategic Annual Plan for 2021-22.

The NSAB Strategic Annual Plan provides information on specific objectives, supporting actions and target timescales required to deliver the Board’s vision and priorities. It sets out how the NSAB seeks to prevent abuse and neglect and how the NSAB will protect people with care and support needs who are or may be at risk.

The Board’s vision is to ensure that Newcastle is a safer city for adults at risk of abuse and neglect. The Board’s priorities are divided up into the six key principles of safeguarding adults:

  • Empowerment
  • Protection
  • Prevention
  • Proportionality
  • Partnership
  • Accountability

The Strategic Annual Plan is informed by a number of different sources including:

  • Legislation, specifically the requirements of the Care Act (2014);
  • Performance information and data analysis;
  • Learning from case reviews;
  • Priorities emerging form joint work with other multi-agency partnerships e.g. Newcastle Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (NSCP) and Safe Newcastle
  • Consultation with partners, the public and practitioners.

The Strategic Annual Plan attempts to address weaknesses and respond to opportunities that have been identified.  Progress in relation to the plan will be reviewed at each NSAB meeting.

Given the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the NSAB acknowledges that the strategic annual plan for 2021-22 includes objectives which are likely to take more than one year to achieve and these will be carried over into the following year’s plan.
