The Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board (NSAB) have recently agreed a framework for managing allegations against People in a Position of Trust (PiPoTs).
This framework applies to all who are members of the NSAB and who have responsibilities for responding to allegations or concerns raised about a person, whether an employee, volunteer or student (paid or unpaid) who works with or cares for adults with care and support needs.
This framework is based on the following principles:
- Where there is an identifiable adult at risk, usual safeguarding adults procedures apply.
- It reflects a proportionate, fair and transparent approach and seeks to build on current internal allegations management processes rather than replacing these.
- Partner organisations are expected to develop and align current allegations management processes in line with the standards set out in this framework.
- It applies to anyone working in a position of trust such as employees, volunteers or students, in a paid or unpaid capacity regardless of the sector.
- The sharing of information will be justifiable and proportionate based on an assessment of the potential or actual harm to adults or children at risk.
- When a person’s conduct may impact on their suitability to work with or continue to work with children, this must be referred to the Local Authority’s Designated Officer (LADO).
- Advice is sought from relevant sources (e.g. Safeguarding Leads, HR, Safeguarding Adults Unit, Legal) when people are unsure of what action to take.
You can download the framework below or access it on our PiPoT webpage.