Safeguarding children and young people is everyone’s responsibility
“This report demonstrates the continued commitment of a wide range of local practitioners, and the many people they work with, and reflects the challenging and dynamic nature of safeguarding practice.”
Helen Lamont – Independent Chair of the NSCB
Highlights and Achievements
- Sexual exploitation strategy reviewed to include Criminal Exploitation and County Lines
- The NSCB hosted the Annual Young People’s Event in August 2018 to consult about mental health issues. The young people’s views, comments and suggestions from the event have been shared with the safeguarding partners with responsibility for ensuring good mental health services are provided and widely available to young people. The NSCB will follow this up to establish what impact this had had on service development
- Representation from the NSCB at the Violence Against Women and Girls Group
- Safeguarding Partners lead on strengthening new multi-agency safeguarding arrangements for children and young people in Newcastle
- Regional working strengthened through the development of a North and South Strategic Safeguarding Forum
- 3,937 practitioners trained through the NSCP Safeguarding Training Programme (face to face and e-learning)