Risk Outside The Home: Introduction

Last week the NSCP delivered a briefing session on Risk Outside The Home. For those of you who were unable to attend this session, a recording will be made available shortly. For those wishing to deepen their knowledge a range of resources and links are available below.

Links and Resources

For those wanting a good introduction to the emergence of Contextual Safeguarding please follow this link to a Ted Talk given by Professor Carlene Firmin. This provides a 15 minute introduction into the foundations of the approach.

“Singing From The Same Hymn Sheet? What happens when multi-agency partners apply contextual safeguarding?” This short document provides a good starting point to explore what we mean by Contextual Safeguarding and some of the theories and approaches which underpin it. As we have touched on in the sessions, to successfully intervene in Risk Outside The Home requires partners to have shared understanding of  values, approaches and knowledge. This can be accessed here.

“Safeguarding during adolescence– the relationship between Contextual Safeguarding, Complex Safeguarding and Transitional Safeguarding.” As discussed in the sessions last week, the NSCP and SAB are keen to highlight that exploitation and harm in the community affects both young people and vulnerable adults. This paper co-authored by Dez Holmes who pioneered the concept of transitional safeguarding – this can be accessed here.  The NSCP/SAB have a joint transition protocol which provides our local response to this.

Relationship-based practice and Contextual Safeguarding.” Newcastle has adopted a relational and restorative approach to practice. This document explores how contextual approaches to safeguarding and risk outside the home are complimented by this approach – this can be accessed here. Further information regarding Newcastle’s Relational and Restorative approach can be found here.

Early Help: Identifying and supporting young people with support needs can help reduce their vulnerability to exploitation and other risks outside the home. Familiarising yourself with Newcastle’s approach to Early Help and understanding your role within it is an important foundation in addressing risks in our communities. More information, including resources, documents and access to training can be accessed here.

Force Intelligence: Submitting intelligence can help the police build a clearer picture of the risks in a community and support them to act. More information regarding what Force Intelligence is and how to submit it can be found here.

Gangs: Fore more information with regards to gangs and safeguarding concerns relating to young people please follow this link to read “Safeguarding children and young people who may be affected by gang activity.”

Sexual Exploitation: Information regarding sexual exploitation can be accessed here.

Criminal Exploitation: A toolkit and additional information on criminal exploitation can be accessed here. This includes information relating to county lines.

Online Safety: Risk Outside The Home may also include forms of harm and abuse that occur online. Useful resources and information can be found here from the NSPCC and Barnardo’s. These are useful for professionals, young people and parents.

Risk Outside The Home Pilot: Newcastle is piloting a new approach to responding to risk outside the home. For more information please follow this link.

Video Resources: The following video’s may be useful in helping professionals to understand forms of harm in the community. Alfie’s Story explores criminal exploitation and Trapped explores the events surrounding a stabbing linked to the supply of drugs.

We hope that these resources will help build and deepen your understandings of risk outside of the home and will help us to think and reflect how we can better protect children who face harm in their communities.
