Safeguarding Adults Week 2022

21- 27 November is national Safeguarding Adults Week where organisations across the country come together to raise awareness of important safeguarding adults issues.

In Newcastle, the Board’s Improving Practice Committee is hosting (or involved in) a number of webinars and events to promote safeguarding adults best practice. The schedule below lists the different opportunities to get involved and includes links to book, register an interest or join.

For the first time in two years there will be some in-person events, with safeguarding adults being represented at events to recognise White Ribbon (the global movement to end violence against women and girls) and Carers Rights Day.

The webinars will be hosted on Microsoft Teams and are aimed at professionals and volunteers. The sessions cover a wide range of topics linked to safeguarding adults, particularly those which might relate to emerging issues or developing practice.

Throughout the week we will also be taking to social media to highlight important safeguarding adults messages. If you’re not already doing so, please follow us on Twitter – @newcastle_sab.

To find out more about each session and to book on, please use the links in the table below.

Download and share the full schedule:

21 Nov 202209.30-11.30Making Every Contact Count (MECC)
(Newcastle City Council – Public Health)
21 Nov 202212.00-13.00Making Safeguarding Personal Webinar
(Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)
21 Nov 202213.30-15.00County Lines and Exploitation Webinar
(Northumbria Police)
No registration required, use the link to join at the time.
22 Nov 202210.00-11.00Carers Risk Assessment Tool Webinar
(Carers Lead)
22 Nov 202212.00-13.30Self-Neglect Webinar
(Regional Safeguarding Adults Leads)
Including leading national experts – Michael Preston-Shoot, Suzy Bray, Jo Cavalot, Mike Ward.
23 Nov 202211.00-12.00Organisational Abuse and Closed Cultures Webinar
(Care Quality Commission)
23 Nov 202210.00-11.00Transitional Safeguarding
(National Working Group, hosted by Northumberland Safeguarding Children and Adults Partnership)
No registration required, use the link to join at the time.
23 Nov 202212.00-13.00Carers Risk Assessment Tool Webinar
(Carers Lead)
23 Nov 202214.00-15.00Safeguarding Adults and Poverty Webinar
(Newcastle City Council)
24 Nov 202210.00-12.00Elder Abuse
(Hourglass, hosted by Durham Safeguarding Adults Partnership)
24 Nov 202210.00 – 13.00White Ribbon Event at Domain Northumbria Students Union
(Newcastle City Council)
24 Nov 202214.00-15.30Carers Rights Day Event at the Mansion House, Jesmond
(Prevention Network)
24 Nov 202214.30-15.30Discriminatory Abuse
(South Tyneside Safeguarding Children & Adult Partnership)
No registration required, use the link to join at the time.
25 Nov 202209.30-12.30Domestic Abuse and Older People Webinar
(Safe Newcastle, NSAB, Carers Lead and IDVA Service)
25 Nov 202213.00-14.00Fire safety
(Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service)