Support for adults outside of safeguarding adults procedures

This page provides information on other services, support and referral pathways that could be used when safeguarding adults concern criteria has not been met.

The criteria for a safeguarding adults concern is that the referrer has reasonable cause to suspect that:

  • The adult has an appearance of care and support needs (whether or not those needs are being met by the Local Authority); AND
  • The adult is experiencing or is at risk of abuse or neglect.

If your concern meets the above criteria please report via safeguarding adults procedures.

If your concern does not meet the above criteria, please consider whether it would be more appropriate to refer or signpost the person to one of the services below. Please note this is not an exhaustive list, please use Information NOW for more comprehensive local information, advice, organisations, events and activities. You can easily search Information NOW on different topics.

If after considering all this information you remain unsure about what action to take, please seek advice. Use your usual routes for advice, e.g. manager, safeguarding adults lead, Safeguarding Adults Unit.

Firstly consider what you are concerned about:

Care and support needs

Community Health and Social Care Direct is the team to contact for more information about social care, support available and needs assessments when there is not a concern about abuse or neglect.

Mental health

There are a wide range of services and support for people who need help with their mental health. A person can talk to their GP, NHS 111, or Talking Therapies. The Crisis Resolution at Home Team can help people who need urgent help. You can find further information and services on the Making Every Contact Count (MECC) website.

Drugs or alcohol

If you are worried about an adult’s drug or alcohol use, there is support available to: manage use, increase safety and improve how someone feels. For the adult themselves, the main contact routes are their GP or Newcastle Treatment and Recovery (NTaR) service. For families or carers impacted by a loved ones drug or alcohol use there is PROPs. There are also a range of recovery meetings across the city and other opportunities, including residential rehabilitation. More information can be found on this webpage: Drugs and Alcohol | Newcastle City Council

Poverty or financial inclusion

If you are worried about someone not having enough money (and there is not a concern about financial abuse) there are specialist advice services who can respond to financial exclusion. More information can be found on this webpage: Financial inclusion information for professionals and volunteers | Newcastle City Council


If an adult needs housing advice, are at risk of homelessness or are homeless and have nowhere to stay, please contact the Housing Advice Centre.

Domestic abuse

If you are concerned about domestic abuse of an adult (who does not have an appearance of care and support needs) the main service to contact is Newcastle Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NIDAS). Further information can be found on the domestic abuse referral pathway for adults.

Environmental Health

If you are concerned about noise, anti-social behaviour or the condition of a property or area in Newcastle, Newcastle City Council’s Public Safety and Regulation department may be able to help. More information can be found on this webpage: Environmental health and pollution | Newcastle City Council
